Want to win at work and life?

Acceptance in August

1. Come alive by accepting your body

You need to be objective about what nature has given you without attempting to change it or protest it. It is a process of learning to accept the parts of yourself that you consider undesirable and to become aware of the beauty of your own body. 

This can be difficult. Research shows that before the age of eight, our self-acceptance is entirely dependent on how we are treated by our caretakers. Acceptance is the belief that you are valuable without the physical traits of certain clothing size, a certain number on the scale, or a certain hair or skin colour. Body acceptance means focusing on your health above your looks.

 2. Why acceptance is important on your Wellness Joy Journey

Acceptance is a vital component of your psychological well-being. It leads to better mood regulation, fewer depressive symptoms and increases your positive emotions and energy.

People with an unhealthy body image (that is, having an opinion on their own body that is either too positive or too negative) compare themselves to others and feel uncomfortable, unworthy and like a failure. As a result, they become preoccupied with their body shape, muscle strength, weight, and consumption of calories. The health choices they make may cause harm to their bodies and have a negative impact on their daily life.

When you accept your body, it will:

  • Increase your freedom to live authentically
  • Enhance your ability to overcome challenges
  • Increase your energy to discover more opportunities
  • Allow you to have more compassion for yourself when you fail
  • Encourage your independent choices 

3. Exercises to accept yourself 

Step 1. Forgive yourself and others

What you dislike about your body right now is due to your own judgement and the world’s unrealistic and unhealthy body standards. What people say and think of how you were created is not your guideline. Stop comparing yourself and let go of the idea that you need to be perfect to have value.You did the best you could in difficult and changing situations. You know better now.

Step 2. Welcome your body

Welcome your body to the new way of thinking about acceptance. Appreciate it and understand that the good things come along with the bad things in life. Have a new look at your body and remember that it functions and supports you unconditionally. Think of your body as an instrument instead of as an ornament.  

Step 3. Be kind to your body

Rather than attempting to change your body or fighting against the parts of it you don’t like, you can honour and nurture it by making healthy choices, like eating and exercising in a manner that supports your unique being. Work with what you have, choose realistic health guidelines, and dress your body with love. Do the joy-body-talk: use words such as 

  • “my beautiful place of living”,
  • “my favourite home to take everywhere”, or
  • “my special life giver”. 

Nourish your body with skin treatments, massages or water relaxation.

Introducing Walker – our Wellness Guide Dog to healthy living!

Walker was found next to a road when he was a puppy, with no Mama or Papa. Nature was not kind to him: he is a mixed breed, his one ear cannot lift up, and he was very hungry and covered in fleas. But he had a fighting spirit. Because of his circumstances, some people would have wanted the puppy to give up and die. However, a life buddy came along, gave him a choice to stay with her and gave him a name – Walker. Now Walker goes on hikes, enjoys the sea and barks to let the world know that he is still alive! In the next blog, he will give us some survival tips on living a healthy life.

No one can be comfortable without their own approval.

Your Wellness Buddy,

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