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How to Re-Center Yourself: Find Balance in Stressful Times

Sometimes we feel disconnected, overwhelmed, not in control, not knowing where we going – that is when we need to re-center ourself

Of all 33 traits that they feel is important to be a leader – centeredness is the most important.

Knowing who you are, what your values are, your vision.

We sometimes loose that in the world we live in

We then need to re-center ourselves

3 Easy steps

Breathe, Ground, Think

1. Breathe

Slow, stable breathing calms the heart, blood pressure, and helps you to think clearly.

Find a breathing technique that works well for you

Use it

One that is very helpful that the Navy Seals use – Box breathing

Its common name, “box breathing,” refers to the fact that a box has four sides, a concept represented here by breathing while you slowly count to four for a total of four times — four counts of breathing in, four counts of holding your breath, four counts of exhaling and four more counts of holding after your exhale

2. Ground

In order to truly show up for ourselves and for each other right now, we need to feel grounded. Think of a tree with roots going deep into the earth — when we feel grounded, we can grow and live from a place of stability. We can weather storms with more ease. Bring your focus into the present moment

It is good to practise the techniques when your are calm and not full of stress – it makes it easier to do it when you feel overwhelmed and stressed

You need to be in contact with yourself and the world around you

  1. Take an object and focus on it – become aware of its colours, smell, feel
  2. Sit on the ground and drink tea
  3. Eat an ice cream
  4. Wiggle your toes

3. Think

Think about what you are thinking about. Often it is full of regret or guilt about our past or anxiety about our future. And that takes you out of the now.

Our actions are inspired by our thoughts. If we can change the way we think, we can begin to change the actions we take.

Ask yourself questions about the relevance of the self-talk. Helpful questions can include: What evidence do I have (for or against) that this belief is based on my feelings or on facts? Who is the source of this information? Can I get the perspective of another person?

Remind yourself of your life purpose and values (if you are not clear on those come join our BrightStar LIFE programme)

Be kind to yourself – Remind yourself – I am doing my best – I am still learning

So remember – Breath -Ground-Think

Determine your best way in each and practise it in good times so that you have mastered the skill by the time things become difficult and you need to extra focus to centre yourself.

So let’s say Yes to Joy by centring ourselves often an keeping ourselves centered.

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